


How to crop unwrapped interferogram?

Added by Tapas Dey almost 7 years ago

Dear Gamma users,

Is there any program for cropping the interferogram /unwrapped interferogram?


Replies (2)

How to crop unwrapped interferogram? - Added by Charles Werner almost 7 years ago

The program MLI_copy can also be used to extract a region of the unwrapped
interferogram as well as the MLI images that are associated with the unwrapped

  • Copy MLI data file with options for segment extraction ***
  • Copyright 2013, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.4 10-Jan-2013 uw/clw ***

usage: MLI_copy <MLI_in> <MLI_in_par> <MLI_out> <MLI_out_par> [roff] [nr] [loff]

input parameters:
  MLI_in       (input) multi-look intensity image (float format)
  MLI_in_par   (input) ISP image parameter file for input MLI
  MLI_out      (output) selected MLI section (float format)
  MLI_out_par  (output) ISP image parameter file for output MLI
  roff         offset to starting range sample (enter - for default: 0)
  nr           number of range samples (enter - for default: to end of line
  loff         offset to starting line (enter - for default: 0)
  nl           number of lines to copy (enter - for default: to end of file)

As far as geocoding the result, there is a program map_section, that can be
applied to a lookup table of the geocoded larger image and then used to create
the lookup table for the extracted section.

If all you want is to extract a section of the unwrapped image, there is also
the program cpd that can be used.

Regards, Charles

RE: How to crop unwrapped interferogram? - Added by Tapas Dey almost 7 years ago

Dear Charles,

Thank you so much for the help. 'cpd' is working fine for me.

