


image transformation for co-registration

Added by Shuping Zhang over 8 years ago

Dear all,

Here is a question about map tranforamtion for the purpose of co-registration.

I intend to co-register two geocoded SAR images in tiff format. TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20141208 is the master file and TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20141208_dem_par is the dem_paramter file generated for it. TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20140225 is the slave imag and its dem_par is TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20140225_dem_par. I intend to run the code below to get a look-up-table which will be later refined and co-register the slave image to the master image. but when I run the code, I got results like those following. Something is not alright but I could not see it.

I thought I have done it by following the manual, but obivously there is something wrong in the setting. Would someone please critise them and give some hints on it?
Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,

map_trans TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20140225_dem_par TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20140225 TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20141208_dem_par TSX_20140225_2_20141208 1 1 0 3 20140225_2_20141208.rough

  • Data resampling from one map projection to another map projection ***
  • Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.2 30-Apr-2016 clw/uw ***
    input DEM1 parameter file: TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20140225_dem_par
    output DEM2 parameter file: TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20141208_dem_par
  • Gamma DIF/GEO DEM/MAP parameters ***
    title: TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20140225
    DEM projection: UTM
    DEM data format: REAL*4
    DEM hgt_offset: 0.00000
    DEM_scale: 1.00000
    DEM width: 14000
    DEM nlines: 16615
    corner northing: 9473501.625 m
    corner easting: 422998.375 m
    northing post spacing: -3.2000000 m
    easting post spacing: 3.2000000 m

ellipsoid name: WGS 84
ellipsoid semi-major axis: 6378137.000 m
ellipsoid reciprocal flattening: 298.2572236

datum name: WGS 1984
datum_shift_dx: 0.000 m
datum_shift_dy: 0.000 m
datum_shift_dz: 0.000 m
datum_scale_m: 0.00000e+00
datum_rotation_alpha (about x axis): 0.00000e+00 arc-sec
datum_rotation_beta (about y axis): 0.00000e+00 arc-sec
datum_rotation_gamma (about z axis): 0.00000e+00 arc-sec
datum_country_list: Global Definition, WGS84, World

projection_name: UTM
projection_zone: 24
false_easting: 500000.000 m
false_northing: 10000000.000 m
projection_k0: 0.9996000
center_longitude: -39.0000000 decimal degrees
center_latitude: 0.0000000 decimal degrees

NOTE: DEM2 output parameter file (transformed coordinates) exists: TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20141208_dem_par
lat_ovr and lon_ovr values on command line are ignored

interpolation mode: nearest-neighbor
ERROR: invalid value for bflg DEM bounds flag: 20140225_2_20141208.rough

Replies (1)

image transformation for co-registration - Added by Charles Werner over 8 years ago

You left out the value for the bflg parameter in you call to map_trans.

The resampling done by map_trans should produce an image that is well
coregistered with the master.

map_trans TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20140225_dem_par TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20140225
TSX_RE_SM_M_ASC_20141208_dem_par TSX_20140225_2_20141208 1 1 0 3 0

are the data unsigned char values?

Best regards,

  • Data resampling from one map projection to another map projection ***
  • Copyright 2016, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.2 30-Apr-2016 clw/uw ***

usage: map_trans <DEM1_par> <data1> <DEM2_par> <data2> [lat_ovr] [lon_ovr]
[interp_mode] [format] [bflg] [lookup_table]

input parameters:
DEM1_par (input) DEM parameter file of input data
data1 (input) input data in the geometry of DEM1_par
DEM2_par (input/output) DEM parameter file of the output data
NOTE: if DEM2_par does not exist, it is created using the map
projection parameters from DEM1_par
data2 (output) input data1 resampled into the geometry of DEM2_par
lat_ovr lat, northing, or S map projection oversampling factor (enter -
for default: 2.0)
lon_ovr lon, easting, or C map projection oversampling factor (enter -
for default: 2.0)
NOTE: lat_ovr and lon_ovr are only considered if DEM2_par does
not exist
interp_mode interpolation mode (enter - for default):
0: nearest neighbor
1: cubic spline (default)
2: cubic-log spline, interpolate log(data)
format data format (enter - for default):
0: float (default)
1: fcomplex or geocoding lookup table
2: SUN/BMP/TIFF raster file
3: unsigned char
4: short integer
bflg output DEM bounds flag (enter - for default):
0: use DEM bounds specified by DEM2_par (default)
1: determine bounds from DEM1_par in the projection specified
by DEM2_par
lookup_table (output) complex-valued lookup table (DEM2 -> DEM1)

You do not need to work with the lookup table.
