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S1_coreg_TOPS - ERROR: gaussj: singular matrix 2
Added by Julia Neelmeijer almost 6 years ago
Dear all,
when running S1_coreg_TOPS or S1_coreg_TOPS_dual_pol (doesn't matter) I get for some of my data a singular matrix 2 error when the first iteration for the offset refinement using the spectral diversity in the azimuth overlap region starts:
... ... ... S1_poly_overlap SLC_20170719_vv_tab 5 1 20170719_vv.az_ovr.poly 1 S1_poly_overlap: Script to determine polygons for overlap regions in Sentinel-1 TOPS data v1.3 28-Nov-2016 uw generate polygons for azimuth overlaps SLC_20170719_vv_tab nrows: 1 ncols: 3 RSLC1_IW1: /misc/ra11/neel/crop_lodging/2017_demmin_s1_p146/05_cslc/slc_20170719/20170719_vv_iw2.slc /misc/ra11/neel/crop_lodging/2017_demmin_s1_p146/05_cslc/slc_20170719/20170719_vv_iw2.slc.par /misc/ra11/neel/crop_lodging/2017_demmin_s1_p146/05_cslc/slc_20170719/20170719_vv_iw2.slc.tops_par azimuth_line_time: 2.0555563e-03 range_pixel_spacing: 2.329562 start_time: 60755.6840410 IW1_valid_lines 26 to 1487 IW1_valid_samples: 263 to 5133 IW1_rows_offset: 1342.000217 determine burst overlap regions within each sub-swath i,j: 1,1 mli_cols: 263 to 5133 mli_rows: 1368 to 1487 azimuth overlap polygon file: 20170719_vv.az_ovr.poly *** Land Application Tools: Program poly_math *** *** Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v1.3 16-Apr-2018 clw/uw *** *** Mathematical operations on polygonal regions (float data) *** using command line values for offset and scale for all polygons copying only data within polygons to output file offset applied to data within all polygons: 0.00000e+00 scale factor applied to data within all polygons: 1.00000e+00 data lines in the input file: 2854 number of input data blocks: 1 data block: 1 first line offset: 0 last line offset: 2853 polygon: 1 offset: 0.00000e+00 scale: 1.00000e+00 number of points in the bounding box: 584520 polygon: 1 points: 579530 user time (s): 0.020 system time (s): 0.090 elapsed time (s): 0.120 *** DISP Program raspwr *** *** Copyright 2018, Gamma Remote Sensing, v3.3 12-Oct-2018 clw/cm *** *** Generate 8-bit greyscale raster image of intensity data *** OPENMP: number of physically available processors: 24 OPENMP: max. number of threads (program defined): 4 OPENMP: max. number of available threads, (environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS): 16 OPENMP: number of threads that will be used: 16 FLOAT data: 20170719_vv.rmli.az_ovr input image width: 5345 height: 2854 range looks: 1 azimuth looks: 1 output image width: 5345 height: 2854 relative scale factor: 1.000 exponent: 0.350 file: 20170719_vv.rmli.az_ovr ave. intensity: 9.86787e-02 average: 4.02484e-01 scale factor: 2.98149e+02 line 0 line 2000 output image: 20170719_vv.rmli.az_ovr.bmp lines: 2854 width: 5345 user time (s): 6.620 system time (s): 0.110 elapsed time (s): 0.470 *** Land Application Tools: Program mask_class.c *** *** Copyright 2015, Gamma Remote Sensing, v4.7 8-Dec-2015 uw/clw *** *** Set image data values belonging to a single class or set of classes or the complement to a user-defined value *** input class file: 20170719_vv.rmli.az_ovr.bmp width: 5345 height: 2854 NOTE: make certain that the input and output files have the same width as the class map file MODE: Setting pixels belonging to the selected class or classes to null_value class 1 value: 0 input data filename: output data filename: input/output data format: floating point complex (32-bit real, 32-bit complex) complex (32-bit real,imaginary) null value: 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00 line: 0 line: 1000 line: 2000 total output lines: 2854 user time (s): 0.110 system time (s): 0.060 elapsed time (s): 0.170 offset refinement using spectral diversity in azimuth overlap region iteration 1 SLC_interp_lt_ScanSAR SLC_20170713_vv_tab 20170713_vv.slc.par SLC_20170719_vv_tab 20170719_vv.rslc.par 20170719_vv.rmli.par 20170713_vv.mli.par RSLC_20170713_vv_tab 20170713_vv.rslc 20170713_vv.rslc.par ERROR: gaussj: singular matrix 2
Does anybody have an idea in which direction I need to investigate to solve that matter?
Thank you very much,