Calls » History » Revision 8
Revision 7 (Dana Felski, 11/23/2020 12:01 PM) → Revision 8/24 (Dana Felski, 11/23/2020 01:08 PM)
h1. Calls hier mit Inhaltsverzeichnis, falls man mehrere Unterüberschriften hat {{toc}} *HAICU-CAll 2020 -- Searching for Partner -- ML assisted physical groundwater flow modeling Deadline: 2020 Dez 1th* "We are still in search for a partner to apply for this year's HAICU call and I wonder if you might be interested to collaborate with us. We are proposing a machine learning assisted workflow for the preprocessing, calibration and uncertainty analysis of large-scale physical earth system models, especially groundwater flow models on HPC systems. The idea is to substitute a groundwater flow model with a simplified ml surrogate or meta-model in a Bayesian framework using active learning. Furthermore, we plan to include several preprocessing steps of the physical model (e.g. input data mapping) within the optimization loop to go beyond the usual parameter optimization. We want to apply the workflow for a Germany wide groundwater flow model, however, the workflow should be generalizable to other physical earth system models. Our proposal is almost ready, however, of course flexible for the needs of partners. Our group has solid expertise in large-scale groundwater flow modeling on HPC systems, as well as, model, workflow and software development. I, personally, am developing skills in ml-based spatial data interpolation and meta-modeling. We are looking for partners with expertise in meta-modeling with machine learning and/or clustering." +Kontakt erfragen über:+ Mike Sips oder Dana Felski h2. EU |*Deadline* |*Call* |*Programme* |*Keywords* | | 2021 Jan 26 (17:00 Brussels time) |"Preventing and fighting extreme wildfires with the integration and demonstration of innovative means":;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=UAV;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=0,1,2;statusCodes=31094501,31094502;programmePeriod=null;programCcm2Id=null;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;geographicalZonesCode=null;programmeDivisionProspect=null;startDateLte=null;startDateGte=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;cpvCode=null;performanceOfDelivery=null;sortQuery=sortStatus;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState | Horizone 2020 Framework Programme |UA; agriculture; biodiversity | | 2021 Jan 26th (17:00 Brussels time) | "Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services":;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=biodiversity;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=0,1,2;statusCodes=31094501,31094502;programmePeriod=null;programCcm2Id=null;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;geographicalZonesCode=null;programmeDivisionProspect=null;startDateLte=null;startDateGte=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;cpvCode=null;performanceOfDelivery=null;sortQuery=sortStatus;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState |Horizon 2020 Framework Programme |biodiversity | | 2021 Jan 26th (17:00 Brussels time) | "Transparent & Accessible Seas and Oceans: Towards a Digital Twin of the Ocean":;callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=Biodiversity;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=0,1,2;statusCodes=31094501,31094502;programmePeriod=null;programCcm2Id=null;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;geographicalZonesCode=null;programmeDivisionProspect=null;startDateLte=null;startDateGte=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;cpvCode=null;performanceOfDelivery=null;sortQuery=sortStatus;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState | Horizone 2020 Framework Programme | big data | | | | | | | | | h2. BMBF |*Deadline* |*Call* |*Description* |*Link* | | .. | .. | .. | .. | | .. | .. | .. | .. | h2. Sonstiges |*Deadline* |*Call* |*Description* |*Link* | | 2021 Apr 1th | Freigeist-Fellowships | Alle Fachgebiete, Förderart: eigene Stelle (Nachwuchsgruppenleitung) | | | .. | .. | .. | .. | h2. Screening Newsletter DFG; VolkswagenStiftung h2. Schlagwörter Remote sensing, Sentinel, EnMap, multispectral, UAV, ground movements, agriculture, radar, SAR, biodiversity, soil, big data, AI, geodata, natural hazards, greenhouse gas emissions, CO2, methane h2. Hier noch ein paar Links: [[wiki]] [[wiki|GFZ 1.4 wiki]] [[wiki#Section 1.4 seminars]]