Wiki » History » Revision 90
Revision 89 (Christiane Scheidt, 10/17/2016 01:36 PM) → Revision 90/335 (Christiane Scheidt, 10/18/2016 02:37 PM)
h1. Wiki
h2. Section 1.4 seminars
Room A17, 10.27 and time always 10:00 (if not mentioned otherwise).
|*Date* |*Who* |*Topic* |
| 03.11.16 | Luis Guanter (GFZ, Sektion 1.4 Fernerkundung) |Section 1.4 - some facts and figures |
| 10.11.16 | | |
| 17.11.16 | Christopher Kyba (GFZ, Sektion 1.4 Fernerkundung) | The relation between artificial light and land use for communities of varying population scales |
| 24.11.16 | | |
|01.12.16| ||
|08.12.16 | | |
|15.12.16 | | |
|12.01.17 | | |
|19.01.17 | | |
|26.01.17 | | |
|09.02.17 | | |
|16.02.17 | | |