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How to generate proper colorbar for unwrapped interferogram or displacement map?
Added by Tapas Dey over 6 years ago
Dear All,
How to generate the proper colorbar for unwrapped interferogram or displacement map? There are ready made colorbars but how to put limits (upper and lower) on them?
Replies (1)
How to generate proper colorbar for unwrapped interferogram or displacement map? - Added by Charles Werner over 6 years ago
There is a prograk called:
- Generate horizontal or vertical colorbar with scale from colormap file or
registered colormap *** - Copyright 2017 Gamma Remote Sensing, v2.0 9-Aug-2017 clw ***
usage <cmap> <ras> <min_val> <max_val> [options]
cmap (input) colormap name (example:
NOTE: Colormaps include:, cc, jet, rmg, bwr, seismic, gray, magma,
rainbow, terrain, gnuplot2...
Matplotlib colormaps:
Text format colormap files (*.cm) can be specified by providing the path.
Colormaps located in
$GAMMA_HOME/DISP/cmaps can be specified by entering only the filename.
ras (output) raster color bar file name (JPG, PNG, TIFF, SVG, EPS and
PDF formats, example: def_hls.png)
min_val minimum value for the colorbar scale
max_val maximum value for the colorbar scale
-h horizontal color bar (default is vertical)
-d dpi set the dots per inch for the output image (default: 300)
which is part of the Python based display tools in the gamma software (in the
DISP/scripts directory. This will let you create a color bar with labels. The
data formats include JPG, PNG, TIFF, SVG, EPS and PDF. In the documentation to
the gamma software, use gamma_doc from the command line:
gamma_doc DISP
In the web browser window that pops up, on the right side there is a section on
the Python display tools. Click there and you will see a list of all the
programs in the Gamma display tools.
Note that all the Python display tools have a -b option that will generate the
color bar with labels.