


Stacking or IPTA using Sentinel

Added by Justin Brandt over 7 years ago

Hello everyone,

Has anyone tried stacking images or IPTA processing with Sentinel?

I'm working in the CA Central Valley looking at subsidence, and the rates are very high and the presence of agriculture means that phase coherence suffers for images more than a few months.

We've used IPTA with ENVISAT in the past and it worked quite well, and Sentinel is much more difficult to work with, so I'm wondering is anyone has has any success.


Replies (1)

RE: Stacking or IPTA using Sentinel - Added by Mahmud Haghshenas Haghighi over 7 years ago

Hi Justin,

I don't have much experience with IPTA, but I use GAMMA to produce Sentinel-1 interferograms.
Then I either export the results and perform PS/SBAS analysis in Stamps or unwrap the interferograms in Gamma and stack them using my own scripts.
I've used Sentinel-1 SBAS for land subsidence in quite a number of basins in Iran with moderate/high rates of subsidence (Max 5-30 cm/yr).
The results were comparable to those we already had from Envisat/ALOS/TSX in some of the basins.

Usually, I only use pairs shorter than a few months to keep the coherence high enough.
Beside the huge processing load and disk usage, Sentinel-1 worked like a charm for me.

