


Backscatter SigmaO S1

Added by Naeem Shahzad about 6 years ago

Greetings, Dr. Charles. Sir, I am trying to process a single S1 image for a simple backscatter sigmaO image. I have tried to follow the Sentinel1 processing user guide for GAMMA, but I am not getting the outputs similar to the those which are shown in user guide? I am following:
1. par_S1_SLC
2. SLC_mosaic_S1_TOPS
3. multi_look
4. gc_map and geocode_back (simple image looks better than beck geo-coded data(attached))

Maybe I am missing something, to get a smooth regular image other than pixelated noisy image (screenshot attached).


Replies (4)

Backscatter SigmaO S1 - Added by Charles Werner about 6 years ago


Somewhere the line size is wrong. Obviously if the MLI image is wrong, you can't
The correct process to get an MLI image correct is
multi_S1_TOPS  (will be renamed to ScanSAR_burst_MLI in the next release)
Once you have created a mosaicked MLI image, then it is as any other MLI image
from stripmap SAR.

The scripts mk_geo_radcal is what I use for terrain geocoding and may be useful
to you.
See the html documentation for information

gamma_doc mk_geo_radcal

There are examples for running the current version of the Gamma Software (20180702):

Gamma Software Users with a valid license or evaluation license can download the
Gamma Software Demo examples here:
user: gamma_user
password: RBS_821

The examples with Sentinel-1 data should be useful.

Best regards,

RE: Backscatter SigmaO S1 - Added by Naeem Shahzad about 6 years ago

Dear Sir
Thank you for this.

During the process of mk_geo_radcal, the output "XX_map.mli" image contains dB values when open via 'dispwr'.It can also be seen in the "XX_map.mli.bmp". When I convert this bmp or even .mli file to tif or ras format, it only shows the values ranges from 0 to 255. why its not transforming the actual dB values in tif file, even using 'float_math applied on xx_map.mli file. Anyguidance? What I need is basically a tif file with dB values so that I can compare this with other data sets.


RE: Backscatter SigmaO S1 - Added by Charles Werner about 6 years ago

The process to convert the intensity values in the _geo.mli file to dB values
and then into GeoTIFF format is as follows:

1.The MLI data are power, not dB values. The bmp file is a greyscale
visualization of the intensity data. To convert to dB use the program
float_math. You should know the
number of samples/line in the geocoded image. This value is stored in the DEM
parameter file (dem_par) as the width.

float_math XX_map.mli - XX_map.dB width 4

alternately, if you have the LAT package:

linear_to_dB XX_map.mli XX_map.dB width 0

2.Save the floating point dB values as a GeoTIFF file:

data2geotiff DEM_par XX_map.dB 2 XX_map_dB.tiff

Documentation is available for all these programs

gamma_doc float_math
gamma_doc linear_to_dB
gamma_doc data2geotiff

best regards,

RE: Backscatter SigmaO S1 - Added by Naeem Shahzad about 6 years ago

Thank you Dr. Charles.

